(704) 609-0569
The Security Committee meets once per month to discuss any security issues as they relate to our community – Highland Creek. Residents can contact the committee at securitycommittee@highlandcreek.com with any questions or concerns.
For the safety of all residents, please refrain from running or walking on the parkway. Curves, hills and decreased sight lines can cause a dangerous situation for those on the street. As an alternative, please consider using our beautiful walking trails.
Community wide
Neighborhood Watches Initiative
Our Neighborhood Watch Coordinator has been working diligently to form a community wide Neighborhood Watch for Highland Creek.
Each village is responsible for choosing a Block Captain(s) to manage this program. Neighborhood Watch has proven to be highly effective in deterring crime, raising awareness and providing accurate information regarding local crime.
Contact the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for more information – e-mail: neighborhoodwatch@highlandcreek.com
Highland Creek Community Association is pleased to introduce Weiser Security Services as the new provider of combined security and covenant services to our residents, effective February 1, 2022.
Our Highland Creek Security Officers are responsible primarily for monitoring HOA-owned common areas and reporting Covenant violations to help ensure the continued desirability of our community. If you have matters that need police attention, please contact the police directly. (Dial 911 for emergencies; for non-emergencies, call 311 if you are in Mecklenburg County and 704-786-9155 if you are in Cabarrus County). Our HOA works toward maintaining a safe, desirable community for our residents. In addition to our contracted security team, our HOA allocates funding to hire off-duty police officers to patrol Highland Creek. If you see a security team member or a police officer in our neighborhood, give them a wave and let them know we appreciate them!
~ Highland Creek Security Committee
CMPD – Register for CharMeck Alerts – click here
REMINDER REGARDING SIDEWALK SAFETY – click here for information
CONCORD POLICE DEPARTMENT – scams to watch for – click here for more information
Please read the information regarding soliciting from CMPD.
Please read information regarding scammers targeting City of Concord utility customers.
The CMPD has improved its crime mapping system for their citizens at www.cmpd.org. Please click here to visit the new site and start taking advantage of the great, free features that it offers. For more information, click here.
Join your Nextdoor neighborhood at nextdoor.com. Nextdoor is a virtual neighborhood crime watch. Make your neighborhood safer. When neighbors know each other, they look out for one another. Nextdoor makes it easy to come together to create watch groups, report suspicious activity, and prevent crime before it happens. Read flyer.